Grain-free Protein Pancakes

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These grain-free and gluten-free protein pancakes are loaded with protein thanks to the addition of 1/4 cup cottage cheese per serving – but I promise you can’t taste it!

I wanted to spread out the grain-free recipes but somehow, the only things I have lined up are grain-free. I’m going to remedy that tomorrow!

And there were supposed to be cinnamon rolls for today, but they didn’t really come out as expected. They tasted way too healthy and I just can’t have that. So for now, here are some pancakes. :)

These have a whole lot of protein per serving (one serving being half the batch)! 21.5 grams. And 9.1 grams fiber. Obviously they’re not low fat or low calorie, but I’m not too concerned about that.

I struggle with getting enough protein and so I’m all about these pancakes (and these Cottage Cheese Scrambled Eggs) right now.

Grain-free and gluten-free protein pancakes without protein powder!

I’ve tried lots of grain-free pancake recipes and they were just so eggy and I couldn’t handle the texture. So I added cottage cheese and that seemed to help. I remember reading cheesecake recipes years ago with cottage cheese in them and thinking how crazy those people were.

Why in the world would someone want to put cottage cheese in… anything? I still think cottage cheese is incredibly nasty, but once it’s been whirled around in the food processor with lots of other stuff, it’s less scary.

If you don’t eat gluten-free or grain-free, I recommend these 100% whole grain protein pancakes for two, just because I prefer the texture. The texture in these grain-free protein pancakes isn’t bad, but it’s hard to compete with wheat!

One thing I don’t recommend is adding fruit to the batter. I tried that with a few pancakes and it was just a soggy mess. So bake up your pancakes and add your fruit on top, like I did in the pictures, and you’ll be good. :)

For some more grain-free pancakes, try these Coconut Flour Pancakes from Wholesome Yum! Her Keto Paleo Almond Flour Waffles Recipe also looks amazing.

I’m also excited to try these Flaxseed Pancakes, which are grain-free, as well.

If you try these pancakes, I’d love to hear what you think in the comments below. Thanks!

Protein Pancakes

  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Ready in:
  • Yield: six 4" pancakes


  • 1/2 cup (113 grams) cottage cheese
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons (90ml) canned coconut milk
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 30 grams (about 1/3 cup) blanched almond flour
  • 5 tablespoons (40 gram)s coconut flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • a pinch of cinnamon (optional)
  • a pinch of salt


  1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor or blender and process until you no longer see cottage cheese chunks. Different flour and coconut milk brands are different, so it could be that your batter is too thick. If it is, just add a tiny bit of coconut milk. It should be thick and not soupy like normal pancake batter. If you’re not sure, you can do a tiny test pancake and see if you need more milk or not.
  2. Heat a medium non-stick pan over medium heat and spray with cooking spray. Pour some batter into the pan (I did 1/4 cup at a time) and cook for about 2 – 3 minutes or until the bottom in nicely browned, and then flip and cook for another minute or two. The pancakes you see above have been spread thin on purpose. You can also make them fluffy by not spreading them so thin. They’re also delicious was fluffy pancakes!


  • I don't recommend adding fruit to the batter! It's too runny that way.

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23 comments on “Grain-free Protein Pancakes” — Add one!

  • Susan says
    May 2, 2013 @ 7:20 pm

    I am fine with eating grains, but too many recipes like pancakes make it difficult to get enough protein. I might try these just because of the protein content. If they turn out to be too caloric for me, I can always work with the fat content of the fat-containing ingredients. I really appreciate your creativity, especially since your recipes always sound delicious, unlike many other supposedly healthy recipes.

    • Erin replies to Susan
      May 2, 2013 @ 10:31 pm

      Wow, thank you so much for your nice comment! I really try hard to make healthier recipes look / sound yummy so this comment meant a lot to me. I hope that you can make the pancakes and that you’ll enjoy them. And even if they’re not low calorie, perhaps you could eat one and a big bowl of fruit on the side? Just an idea! would love to eat a huge stack of pancakes every day but due to their calories, I try to stick with one. Just to make breakfast a little brighter and special. :)

  • Meg says
    April 10, 2013 @ 2:58 pm

    These look and sound amazing – I love your blog, btw!

    • Erin replies to Meg
      April 10, 2013 @ 6:47 pm

      Thanks, Meg! :) I hope you get a chance to try these – or some other recipe!

  • Ursha Radin says
    March 25, 2013 @ 10:24 pm

    These pancakes are great! I just discovered your blog and I just love the fact that you have grain-free recepies. I'm not allowed to eat anything that has grain or sugar in it (even honey is a no no for me but I do make exceptions :) and I was searching for a long time for any recepies that actualy taste good and I just have to say that these pancakes made my day :D

    • Erin replies to Ursha Radin
      April 10, 2013 @ 6:46 pm

      Hi Ursha! I replied to one of your comments but I think you deleted it and therefore also my reply? I don't know. I wanted to say thank you for the lovely review! I'm so happy that you found something that finally tastes good. :D Thanks for taking the time to leave feedback!

  • Erin says
    June 29, 2012 @ 8:50 pm

    Sonia – I love your little comment spree. It put a HUGE smile on my face. :)

    What I've read is that almond meal is almost always unblanched (have you ever seen blanched almond meal?) and that almond flour is almost always blanched. So for most people almond meal = the unblanched stuff and almond flour = the blanched stuff. At least that's what I read. It could all be nonsense!

    I used the stuff in a can. But the more recent ones are sooo much better. These are still better than the dozen other grain free pancake recipes I tried, but the new ones? Oh my gosh. They're heavenly.

  • Sonia! The Healthy Foodie says
    June 29, 2012 @ 3:04 pm

    Grain Free pancakes? How could I have missed these? Seriously! They look absolutely fantastic. But now you got me puzzled. I always thought that almond flour and almond meal were one and the same. I'm definitely going to have to research that.

    As for coconut milk, did you use the canned thing or the one that comes in cartons?

    There's simply no way I can just pass on these grain free pancakes. Oh, the dream!

  • Erin says
    May 27, 2012 @ 4:43 pm

    Anon – Thanks! I went to the Nestle site and they have Rolos on their German page so I hope I can find them! I'll go and check on Tuesday. Thanks for the info. :)

  • Anonymous says
    May 26, 2012 @ 6:44 pm

    I saw in the comments on the rolo bars that you were uncertain of the availability of rolo's in Germany. But I think they'll have it. We have them in The Netherlands ;) so that's closer than the US if they really don't have them in Germany, but they should.

  • Erin says
    May 4, 2012 @ 8:26 pm

    Lakshmi – Thanks! Pancakes aren't that great. You have to put something on them to make them really good, so I don't think you're missing out on something fantastic. Although I'd definitely try your recipe if you came up with an eggless version. I'm not a fan of eggs so it sounds great to me. :)

  • Lakshmi @Purevegetarian says
    May 4, 2012 @ 7:21 pm

    They look good! I never eat pancakes but regularly think of them :-). Recently I even bought a new pan for making them but haven't opened the package yet. It's just not in the blood, I guess. Eggs seem to be such an important part of pancakes that it has discouraged me to try them without. Crepes come out well without eggs, but thick pancakes are a different story. It is one of the projects of this year…

  • Erin says
    April 25, 2012 @ 8:05 am

    Oh no. I answered this yesterday but I guess it didn't go through. Sorry!

    Almond flour is ground up blanched almonds and is sometimes finer than almond meal, which is made from ground up almonds, which still have their skin. It could be that these work with almond meal, but I'm not sure and I don't want anyone to ruin their pancakes, hence the "no almond meal." Of course you can try! Hope that helps. :)

  • Anonymous says
    April 24, 2012 @ 2:39 pm

    What exactly is the difference between almond flour and almond meal?

  • Baltic Maid says
    April 24, 2012 @ 8:19 am

    Oh my goodness, they look amazing!!! I want some right now…

  • Erin says
    April 23, 2012 @ 8:49 pm

    Miryam – Thank you! These are the pancakes I mentioned when you wrote about making cottage cheese pancakes. I hope you post your version soon! I'd love to try a version with whole wheat. I'm sure they're much better that way. My freezer is always super full, but when we get a normal sized freezer, freezing pancakes sounds like a fantastic idea! :)

  • says
    April 23, 2012 @ 4:41 pm

    I actually don't think there is nothing wrong with these pancakes. I love the fact that they use cottage cheese. As far a coconut flour, I have actually never tried it. I have wanted to but never got around to it. Are these the pancakes you were talking about a week or so ago? I have yet to post mine. I have made them twice but didn't get around to take pictures :-) I also use cottage cheese and Greek yogurt. I normally double the batch and keep the remainder in the fridge or freezer for future consumption. I just love them!! Yours look really good by the way.

  • Erin says
    April 23, 2012 @ 12:13 pm

    Nora – You like normal things! I'm just picky. :( I hope you like the pancakes if you try them! They're not like normal pancakes but I'm pretty sure you realize that with all your gluten-free expertise. :) And hahaha, yeah. No more bean experimentation for me. Those days are over! I've started putting cottage cheese in all kinds of weird things. I don't like plain yogurt either, so if a recipe calls for yogurt (unless it's a cake or something), cottage cheese is going in because it has double the protein. If I'm going to eat things I don't like, I might as well eat the most healthy alternative. If that makes any sense. :)

    Chung-Ah – But please remember, normal pancakes are better! These taste like they're "special." :) They're much better than other grain-free pancakes I've tried, but still not nearly as good as the real deal. And yeah, cottage cheese is kind of scary looking. I just wish it hadn't taken me so long to try it because it's not so bad when mixed with other stuff! And de-lumpified. I can't handle those lumps. Yuck.

  • Chung-Ah | Damn Delicious says
    April 23, 2012 @ 7:15 am

    We share the same feelings towards cottage cheese. It's not so pleasant looking but it does wonders when mixed with other things!

    I can't wait to try these pancakes! I'd do anything for protein pancakes, mainly because I could eat twice as much guilt-free :)

  • Nora @ Natural Noshing says
    April 23, 2012 @ 2:40 am

    I LOVE cottage cheese but I like strange things…but you already know that! I love that these are grain and gluten free! I would love to try your 100% whole grain pancakes but my tummy would not like that at all! I've made gluten free oat + cottage cheese pancakes and almond flour pancakes separately and I love them but I haven't tried a grain free cottage cheese version, I can't wait to give this a go! At least it doesn't have beans, right? hahahha XO

  • Erin says
    April 22, 2012 @ 7:55 pm

    Georgia – Thanks! You'd be able to tell if you bit into one though. Just being honest. :)

    Becca – That's exactly it! It just looks so disgusting. And it smells bad too. I just don't like chunky stuff. I know I must sound like I'm three but it's just gross. And thank you. :)

  • Becca says
    April 21, 2012 @ 9:37 pm

    Cottage cheese creeps me out. I think its how it looks. Anyways, these pancakes look like regular pancakes to me :) And they look good too :)

  • Georgia | The Comfort of Cooking says
    April 21, 2012 @ 9:33 pm

    These pancakes look fabulous, Erin! I would have never known they were gluten free. Got to give your recipe a try sometime!


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