
Welcome to Texanerin Baking! My name is Erin Dooner. I’m from Texas.

My blog started off as a whole grain baking blog in 2011, but almost everything I post nowadays is gluten-free with a vegan option whenever possible.

I’m not vegan or even vegetarian, but I haven’t posted meat here in years out of respect for my vegan readers. I figure posting recipes with eggs and dairy is one thing and meat is another.

If you love meat as much as I do, I keep it all on my other blog, Easy Wholesome.

Random Stuff About Me

  • When I was 16, I was an exchange student in Sweden, and I fell in love with it so much that I went back for another exchange year in college. This is where I met my future husband, who was also doing his exchange year there.

  • Every now and then I am asked how my blog’s name came into being. I’ve been living in Germany since 2009, and in German, Texanerin translates to female Texan. And my name is Erin. And I’m from Texas. Texan Erin. Get it?!

  • A lot of people assume that we’re a military family because of my German husband. We’re not. He’s a tech guy. I’m not German, either, but Irish American.

  • I’m a gigantic Pearl Jam fan. My music taste is stuck in the 90s.

  • For the past few months, all I’ve wanted to do is listen to the Interstellar soundtrack and post cocktails. ๐Ÿ˜„ Horror is my favorite genre, but Interstellar is my favorite movie and The Wire my favorite show.

  • Some Republican newspaper syndicated one of the articles I wrote that goes into the Associated Press feed. Any publication can choose whatever articles they’d like from the AP feed and publish them. I am not a Republican. Democrat all the way!

  • I wrote a book that I never promote because of issues with the publisher. So it has very few reviews on Amazon. Someone rated it low because they didn’t agree with the title. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ Something I didn’t really have control over. Then someone was disappointed that the recipes in a baking cookbook call for sugar. Right. So now it has a low rating. The recipes are great, though.

I hope you’ll enjoy my recipes! If you make one, I’d love it if you could leave a comment on the post to tell me and your fellow readers how it went.

There’s nothing better than getting feedback, and it helps the other readers, too. I would appreciate it so much. Thank you! โ™ฅ

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll get right back to you!